Presence Brothers Farrell, Popple, Kooyoomjian, Tuttle (A.), Tuttle (J.), Tryba the, Rosenbaum, Haynes, Lily, Mitchell, Obue, Johnson, Wilkinson, Kelly, Cleveland, Cheren, Bennett.

The seventh regular meeting of Kappa Omicron chapter was called to order 7:11 p.m. by President Farrow in the Hampden Room of the Student Union.

The secretary's report was read and accepted.

Treasurer’s Report - Jack Kooyoomjian
There is $12.54 in the treasury with roughly two dollars in bills outstanding.

Nominating Committee - Tuttle
At this time the nominating committee reported out the following candidates
President Jim Farrow
1st vice president no nomination
2nd vice president Bill Wilkinson
3rd vice president Mark Sharon
Treasurer Dave Mitchell
Recording Secretary Larry Popple
Corresponding Secretary Dave Matheson
Alumni Secretary Joe tribe
Sergeant at Arms à la blow
Historian Norm Ryan

UN Week - Tryba
Joe tried a report on the progress of the speakers committee (enclosed).

Finance committee - Tryba
Committee budgets should be into the Finance Committee by April 25.

Book Exchange - Kooyoomjian
SUG board is holding up its approval of the Fall Book Exchange pending the complete report from APO.  Jack promised to have this after vacation.

Budget Committee - Haynes
The cost of the banquet will be $3.50 per person we haven't checked in.

Constitution and bylaws were passed around for the brothers to look at.

Amherst Fair - Tuttle
APO is asking the First Church of Amherst to run the car wash in connection with the fair.
APO will also ask the booths at the fair.

Capital Outlay Fund - Mitchell
The following motion was brought back onto the floor:
Moved (Mitchell) that monies received from the setting up of chairs on Tuesday, April 17 be contributed to the capital outlay fund of the chapter.
The motion was defeated (5 - 2)

Morningside Camp - Tuttle
a work camp weekend has been planned for May 12 at rapid undistinguished

The Northampton Boy Scout office has asked for help in painting their new offices.

moved that the regular nominating an election or sieges be suspended for the spring semester 1962 (Popple)
the motion was seconded and passed (nine - 1).

moved that the nominations be opened the floor (Mitchell - Tuttle).
Motion passed

the following nominations were made from the floor;
First vice president - Dave Mitchell
Treasurer - Jack Kooyoomjian
Historian - Lorin Johnson, Lee Norton

In June
Move that we have something other than chicken at the banquet (Popple - Mitchell)
motion passed (12 - 3)

The meeting was adjourned at 8:37 p.m.

Respectfully submitted
Lawrence Popple
Recording Secretary

Next available meeting minutes